Saturday, August 13, 2011

Busy Bogota

On Thursday I attended a VERY busy college fair in Bogota, Colombia. In fact, it was so busy that I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of the fair! I was able to get just a couple of pictures of people rushing home from work and a view of the city from my hotel room.

I truly loved this city. Comprising over 8 million people in the metropolitan area, Bogota sits over 8,000 feet above sea level. Occupying a high mountain savannah, the air is pretty thin up here. Tourists should definitely take it slow because of the altitude.

Bogotanos are extremely hard working and ambitious by nature. Everyone that I met was extremely gracious and friendly. The attendees at the college fair were no exception. I spoke to many impressive students who were anxious to start their MBA and were pleased with what they learned about the programs at the University of Dallas.

I can't wait to continue my conversations with them once I return to the office. If you have friends or family in Bogota who want to upgrade their career competitiveness with an MBA, please have them contact me!

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